food + drink recipes

Recipe: Chicken Soup with Herby Turmeric Dumplings

Manon’s perfect warming soup with wellbeing turmeric – perfect for those who are feeling under the weather

Serves 6


  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 2 fresh bay leaves
  • 6 sprigs of fresh thyme
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 4 celery stalks
  • 1 large white onion
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • Large pinch of salt
  • Large pinch of pepper
  • 2 chicken stock cubes
  • 1tsp of dijon mustard
  • 2 large knobs of butter
  • 1 tsp of piment d’espelette
  • 1 tbs of plain flour
  • Olive oil
  • 1 tsp of cider vinegar
  • 1L of water


  • 150g of plain flour
  • A pinch of baking powder
  • Salt  + Pepper
  • 2 large handfuls of chopped chives
  • 1 tbs of turmeric
  • 50ml (4 tbsp) of cold water
  • 1 Large egg


  • Start by prepping all the vegetables – peel and cut the carrots into 2cm triangle chunks. Roughly chop the onion and slice the celery into similar size as the carrots, then finely chop the garlic.
  • In a large saucepan add the butter with 1 tbsp of olive oil on medium heat. Add all the veggies and cook for 10 minutes until the onion is translucent.
  • Add the tbsp of flour to the veggies, along with salt and pepper. Stir well before adding in the water and the stock cubes. Tie the bay leaves and thyme sprigs together to create a little bouquet garni (herb bouquet) and add to the saucepan. Simmer for 10 minutes, then add the mustard, piment d’espelette (mellow version of cayenne pepper), cider vinegar and salt and pepper. It’s important to taste the seasoning throughout the cooking.
  • Turn on the oven to 180 degrees fan ready for later. Carefully place the chicken breasts into the simmering soup and let cook for 15 minutes depending on the thickness of the breasts. Once cooked, remove from the pan and shred with two forks.
  • Place the shredded chicken back into the pot and pop the lid on and turn down to low while you focus on making the dumplings.
  • In a mixing bowl place the flour, turmeric, salt, pepper and chopped chives, mix well and crack the large egg and combine. Slowly add the cold water until all combined. Be careful to not add too much water as this will make the dumplings quite dense.
  • Kneed the dough for a minute or two so well combined then roll into golf sized balls.
  • Transfer the soup into an oven proof dish and place the dumplings around the surface. Make sure to coat the dumplings in the liquid and only place them half into the liquid so the top can become nice and golden.
  • Cook in the oven for 30 minutes and turn the oven to grill for the last ten minutes to crisp the top of the dumplings.


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