food + drink recipes

Recipe: Roasted Red Pepper Crab Pasta Bake


A comforting & delicious pasta bake

Serves 4



• 100g crab meat
• 2 Romano red peppers
• 4 tbsp of ricotta cheese
• 3 cloves of garlic
• 2 shallots
• 1 tsp of tomato purée
• 1 tsp of sugar
• 450g of pasta shells
• 1 ball of mozzarella
• 50ml of white wine
• Salt + Pepper
• Olive oil


• Start by turning on the oven to 180°C and place the whole red peppers onto a baking sheet and roast for 25 minutes. Cook the pasta so that it’s al dente, so taking off 3 minutes off the cooking time on the packet instructions. Drain and set to the side until baking.

• Dice the shallots and garlic and throw into a non-stick pan on low/medium heat with a splash of olive oil, cook for 3-5 mins.

• Add the white wine to the pan and cook off the alcohol, then add the tomato purée with a tsp of sugar. Season well with salt, pepper and mix well, turn down the heat. Take out red peppers and let cool before carefully removing the skins. Discard the seeds by cutting off the top and lightly squeeze them out. Place the red peppers into the pan and cook for 1 minute.

• Transfer red pepper mix into a bowl and with a handheld blender mix together into a smooth-ish texture, then add in the crab meat and ricotta.

• Place the pasta in an oven proof dish, pour over the sauce and mix well together. Tear the mozzarella and grate over some parmesan. Season again with some pepper and extra virgin olive oil.

• Transfer to the over and bake for 25 minutes at 180°C until the cheese has melted and starting to crisp.



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