food + drink recipes

Recipe: Courgette & Gorgonzola Stuffed Mini Squash

Manon’s impressive and delicious vegetarian dish makes a perfect veggie offering for any table

Serves 2


  • 2 mini squash
  • 2 tbsp of strength 6 gorgonzola
  • 3 tbsp of dried raisins
  • 1 tsp of cumin seeds
  • 1 small courgette
  • 1 small white onion
  • A handful of breadcrumbs
  • 1 tsp of cider vinegar
  • A pinch of cinnamon
  • Olive oil
  • Salt + Pepper
  • 2 large cloves of garlic


  • Start by turning on your oven to 180°C. Cut a small section from the bottom of each squash so they are able to stand up in the oven. Then cut off some from the top to make a lid.
  • Spoon out the seeds and season well. Drizzle over some olive oil inside and outside of the squash. Pop in the oven for 45 minutes in a oven proof dish.
  • For the stuffing – start by dicing your onions and courgette to the same size, add the onions to a non-stick pan on medium heat with a little olive oil.
  • Roughly chop the raisins and add to the onions after 5 minutes of cooking.
  • Peel and slice the garlic and add to the onions when they are translucent, add the courgette and cook for 5-7 minutes.
  • Add the cinnamon and cumin at the same time as the courgette and mix well. Bring the pan to medium/high heat. Add the cider vinegar and cook for 1 minute.
  • Take the pan off the heat and stir in the gorgonzola and breadcrumbs. Make sure the mixture has cooled for a few minutes so the cheese does not completely melt.
  • Place the squash back into the oven for 15 minutes on 200°C.
  • Serve with a side salad and enjoy while hot!


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