food + drink recipes

Recipe: Chicken, Aubergine & Pomegranate Stew

This week our culinary East London goddess @Manon's Cuisine bubbles up tender chicken thighs in a simple and lip-smacking aubergine stew

Chicken, Aubergine and Pomegranate Stew

Serves 4


  • 4 chicken thighs
  • 1 large red onion
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 small fresh red chilli
  • 1 tsp of sweet smoked paprika
  • 1 ½ large aubergines
  • ½ a pomegranate (the seeds)
  • 1 x 400g of plum tomatoes
  • 200ml of veggie stock
  • 1 tbsp of granulated sugar
  • Salt + Pepper
  • 1 mug of couscous
  • Few mint leaves
  • Olive oil
  • 5 tbsp of pomegranate molasses


  • Chop the fresh pomegranate in half and over a bowl tap the top of it with a wooden spoon to extract the seeds. Reserving only the seeds not the white bits.
  • In a deep pan, add a little olive oil and brown the chicken thighs.
  • Chop the aubergine into large cubes (around 3cm), add to the pan and brown without any oil for 3-5 minutes on medium high heat. Then remove and set to the side.
  • Slice the red onion into long half-moon shaped strips, then add to the pan which the chicken cooked in. Bring down the heat to low and add a little more olive oil to prevent from the onion catching the pan. Cook for 15 minutes until nice and soft.
  • Slice your garlic cloves and chop down the chilli, add to the pan when the onions are soft and cook for a further few minutes before.
  • Once everything is cooked add in the sweet smoked paprika, pomegranate molasses, pomegranate seeds, veggie stock and the can of plum tomatoes.
  • With the back of the spatula gently squish the plum tomatoes, then add in the sugar, season well with salt and pepper. Pop the lid on and cook for 25 minutes and then remove the lid. Cook for a further 20 minutes until the sauce thickens.
  • In the last 10 minutes, pour the mug of couscous into a bowl and add salt, pepper. Cover with boiling water (around the same amount as the couscous so the mugs worth of water), cover with a lid and let it sit for 10 minutes, then with a fork fluff up.
  • Chop up your fresh mint leaves and scatter over the stew once plated. This also goes great with a little crumbled feta.@manons_cuisine_


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