
Meet Jeff Nang – Performing Live at Mama Shelter Shoreditch

Meet music producer and songwriter Jeff Nang – performing live at Mama Shelter Shoreditch as part of their monthly Sunday Live Music Sessions this summer right through to October 2023.

Known for his high-energy, throwback tracks to classic funk – Jeff Nang tells us his influences and icons, what first got him into music and how & when it all started…

My Dad first introduced me to a lot of Motown, disco funk and classic R&B music before I could even walk. My earliest memories are of me sitting on front of his vinyl player with the Michael Jackson Off the wall album playing. Which is now my go to Album DAILY! Ever since I’ve always been fascinated with grooves from Earth Wind & Fire and seamless melodies from icons like Stevie Wonder. I fell in love with the Talkbox sound from Zapp & Roger which I guess sparked my love for electronic synths and music technology, opening the gates to music production and songwriting.

Jeff Nang performing at Mama Shelter

What’s the biggest problem you’ve had to overcome?

I lost my dad in 2020 through cancer. Even though this experience was tough it lead to a new insight on life allowing to create music closer to my soul and true to me. A lot of this came from my dad’s teachings and influence.

Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Progress is the process to happiness – the end goal is not where happiness is, it’s the hours that nobody sees which is truly fulfilling. Looking at the peak of the mountain is too overwhelming, you’ll give up just thinking about it, so just keep your head down looking at your feet, and at least take that first step on the mountain. That’s actually 2 pieces of advice lol.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston

Last live music/concert you saw?

Maggie Rogers – I cried.

Favourite gig/collaboration so far?

Performing at Glastonbury with my band “La Rebla Fam”.

If you could open a show for any artist who would it be – dead or alive?

I mean I would love to open a show for MJ, but he should never have an opening lol – so I would probably pick “Chromeo”.

What do you do when you’re not creating music?

Spending time with my new son. Watching him grow, filming content for the gram, watching thrillers on Netflix with my wife – oh and catching up on the newest A.I updates.

What new music do you like?

Loving Amapiano vibes right now

What are you working on right now?

Got a bunch of new releases this year that I’m excited about, mainly from my dance alias “Jefferson Nang”.  I’m also working on something big for the the end of the year so keep your ears peeled for that.

Any advice you’d give to someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?

Just start. Create everyday, think about your brand and building an actual community where you can serve them through what ever you can offer. Be true to yourself and try not to compare yourself to anyone else, we’re all on our own individual journey. Never stop learning.

What does success look like for you?

Success is being born – it’s leaving a grain of your soul behind, even it’s just to your family around you. Giving what ever you’re doing 100%.

Top 3 favourite movies?


Do you have a favourite mantra?

Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad – which is The Magic Mantra to convert negative to positive.

I actually listen to traditional mantras in the shower daily.

Have you always lived in East London?

I’m born and bred in North London but my soul is of an East Londoner lol.

Any East London stories/memories?

Living in Stokey. It was a great experience in itself. House parties and peaceful summer walks in Clissold Park with my wife.

Favourite East London drinking den?

Mama Shelter Shoreditch

Favourite East London restaurant/café?

Best Kebab on Victoria Road! It has some of the best vegan kebab food


Where to see Jeff live? Sunday Live Music Sessions, Mama Bar, Mama Shelter Shoreditch, 437 Hackney Rd, London E2 8PP @mamashelterlondon
When? 13 August 2023

For all Mama Shelter’s events and to book to see Jeff Lang





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